I wanted to share a site I use quite often. Whenever I tell someone I am about to look up a scripture online, I get this look like it's not the same words. Somehow some people believe that scripture is on 'real' if it is written on paper. Well, I disagree. And if you do too, this site might be for you.
Life is full of things that bring us down. Everywhere we look there is something else determined to pull us away from what we know to be right. God tells us he provides help for us. I believe it boils down to what we focus on. What do we spend our time thinking about?
My life is hard. Most of us can say the same thing. I know what makes my life hard because I remember what I was doing when it was not hard. I was spending much of my time reading the bible, learning about who this person is that felt humanity was worth giving up his comfort, his peace and his life for.
I want you to know that if life seems to be difficult, if it seems like the world is going to get the best of you, maybe you feel like you can't go on, there is something that will make it easier. Rather someone, Jesus. I don't propose you fall down on your knees and cry out to him and then just expect everything to get better. Some will say that, I will not. Get to know him. He knows us inside and out. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations." He knows why we come to him. He wants to adopt us. You have heard it said, " I am a child of God", or even, "we are all God's children." I say to that, hogwash. Why would he want to adopt us if we are already his children? "Romans 8:14 For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God."
Pray for the leaders teaching unbiblical doctrine and the sheep who need discernment to see the truth.
What do you do when you hear a siren? Have you ever even thought about it? Every time you here a siren people are in trouble, sometimes dying, sometimes it emotional pain. Next time you here a siren ask yourself this question: has anyone who heard this siren took a minute to pray for those whom this siren is affecting. Sirens are great opportunities for prayer.
To learn the true meaning of LOVE read First Corinthians chapter 13. Afterwards tell me what you think. Do you agree with the ways in which we use the word love? What kinds of words do we use love to take the place of?
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